The Nancengka Social Place

I find the optimism of these foreigners charming

Ex1: Indonesia’s Democracy Is Stronger Than a Strongman Why Prabowo Would Find It Hard to Rule as an Authoritarian

And although some checks and balances have been eroded on Jokowi’s watch, Indonesia’s democracy in other ways remains resilient: a vibrant civil society sector, investigative media outlets, and the country’s decentralized system now help restrain a president’s power.

Ex2: This election is critical to Australia, so why aren’t we paying attention?

Many who remember the old Prabowo are fearful that the angry demagogue will return. But his success as a moderate seems to have reshaped him. ... He casts himself as the new Jokowi: “We must continue everything that [Jokowi] has done,” Prabowo tells rallies. If he holds true to his word, Indonesia can continue to be stable and successful.



@gombang The US has a much more mature and robust democracy and few ppl are this optimistic over a potential second Trump presidency lol

@gombang jesus fucking christ wtf

@rakyat yeah. What's these people smoking, I want some.

@thepoliticalcat In case of Ben Bland, I expect more hahahah. Probably he is just a cheery person.

@thepoliticalcat I am a little tired hahahah. I thought protesting on the streets in late 1990s were enough. Oh well the struggle never ends.