The Nancengka Social Place

If you speak other languages than English, which language do you choose for your phone or computer interface?


I myself use English, but on Wikipedia(s) I use Indonesian (which is kind of non-native for me)

@gombang Teringat seorang teman yang komplain karena laptop saya menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia 😌

@gombang I am using English since somehow, the technical term in my native language (Bahasa Indonesia) most of the time confuses me.

@aku karena tidak terbiasa saja itu om hahahahah

@gombang bahasanya muter muter om kalau pakai bahasa Indonesia kadang kadang, jadi ngga bisa cepat ketemu apa yang saya mau cari 😆

@nawanp pasti teman ini lagi pinjam laptop

One of my lecturers had Japanese version of Windows on his laptop (he got his doctorate in Japan)

@gombang My computer's login screen is in German because that's what was available when I bought it, but the OS and everything else is in English. I don't even have Hebrew installed on it - I use an online applet to write in Hebrew (and its mobile interface is garbage, so I can't meaningfully write Hebrew on mobile).

@gombang Es gibt Dutzende von uns!

@Alon I have single language edition of Windows, it seems difficult to switch to another language without reinstalling 🫠

@[email protected] 0 votes, haha

Biarkan saya curhat deh,
Dulu, pasti pakai Inggris untuk semua interface. Mau hp, mau pc, game, apalah.

Sekarang, saya lihat dulu, sumbernya apakah menerima feedback atau ga.
Kalau menerima feedback, Saya pakai Bahasa Indonesia.. Dan jujur, semakin kesini, bahasanya semakin "masuk akal" dibanding dulu.

@gombang @Alon my native language is German, but I prefer setting everything to English, as I find it more neutral to work in other languages.

While learning a language I might set my phone to that language for a while. Other than German and English I speak Dutch well, Spanish, Polish, Czech, and French a bit, can read-ish other romance and Germanic languages including Latin, and am being a bit immersed intl Hungarian.

@gombang hmm:
- en_US (and a custom en_DK) on my work computer
- fr_FR on my home computer and phone

@gombang I've a native English speaker who still uses English, but I'm pretty confident (as much as I can be when it hasn't happened) that if the world's technical infrastructure had been built for and documented using Finnish, I would be using that instead.

(I'm not sure I'm a useful case, though; I have a fairly atypical relationship to both computers and languages.)