The Nancengka Social Place

Have you enjoyed some Chinese propaganda lately? I did.

I watched a Chinese legal drama called Draw the Line and I'd like to reassure you that I'm still not a member of the Communist Party of China.

Usually, these issues are for subscribers to my blog (it's a free subscription), but I'm setting it free for Mastadon folks for a week.

PS: Before you reply, could you read the article first? I'm anticipating reply guys lol

@liztai so you decided to spread Chinese propaganda.


But seriously, it’s probably no more propaganda than the deluge of American cop and lawyer shows showing how great they are at upholding the law and justice when in reality they’re more trigger finger white nationalists on power trips.

@aulia @liztai
Propaganda can be enjoyable (you have to keep reminding yourself it is propaganda though).

For example I rather like Pengkhianatan G30S/PKI


@aulia gotta do my little bit to help the motherland 🤪

@gombang @aulia hehe had to look it up. That looks very interesting

@liztai @gombang oh that was almost mandatory viewing for school students around the country for about a decade. The director was my classmate’s dad and around September teachers and the mass media would go off on their annual anti communist pro Soeharto propaganda lesson until the date rolled around.

@aulia @gombang this makes me curious enough to see if I could watch it! Darn we don’t even have propaganda this lasting, though if you can count the jingoistic songs that were often played in my childhood, perhaps that’s close enough. “Demi negara, yang tercinta, Di curahkan bakti penuh setia, Demi raja yang disanjung tinggi…” lol can sing this by hard.

@liztai @aulia
I thought pro-Soeharto cult was bad but maybe a monarchy is worse 😌

Anyway the director was one of our best. He later regretted making this particular film. But even then, it is still interesting.

Too bad it was made mandatory viewing. People hate to be forced.


> Have you enjoyed some

Chinese propaganda lately?

No, but I'm interested in their land ownership system.

> Like most people in Asia and

South-East Asia, I have consumed Western movies all my life.

Me too, but I watch much more programs and films from North-East Asia and South Asia, e.g., Dr. Slump, Justice Pao (1993), Queen Seondeok, Piku (2015).

> I’ve visited China a few times

I visited Guangdong 20 years ago. Their cities were in very good shape. I love their tea, but foods, including Stir-Fried Chinese Morning Glory, were different.

> I always find it a little disturbing that people would not watch or read something because it clashes with their values.

I confess that sometimes I'm tired of watching and talking to those I don't like.

> Before you reply, could you read the article first?

Yes, of course.

@veer66 Thank you for your thoughtful response! I feel you about talking to people you don’t like though. Sometimes you wonder why you bother. And like you, I spent of my life not just watching Western dramas but shows from China, Taiwan, Hongkong, Thailand and india. The diversity has really enriched me!

@liztai 🤝 from me, halfway through War of Faith right now, a few days behind the episodes airing on CCTV...8 I think, and thinking about what messages we're meant to get from it and what messages I do actually get. (And avoiding Weibo because I don't wanna get spoiled for tonight's latest twists.)

I find I don't want to watch anyone's modern day military/police shows right now, but I don't want to watch stuff that looks like my own suburban US white person life, either.

@coreo I hear good things about this drama! Glad you're enjoying it. Yeah, I don't usually want to watch shows that mirrors my life either! That's boring ;P