The Nancengka Social Place

People at coffee shops think I am a hacker when they see me open a terminal application 🙄

White text on black background reads: Who needs world domination when you've got the 'ping' command?  The way people at the coffee shop stare, you'd think I was launching cyber-attacks and not just checking if my website's down. I'm basically a low-budget Bond villain at this point.

Then, a barista approached me and wondered if I could fix their HP printer. 🤣🤣

@nixCraft in my case, it's my father-in-law 🤔


@nixCraft I opened vim and didn’t know how to exit. My boss saw the terminal and thought I know what I’m doing and gave me a promotion

@nixCraft Now that is an interesting pickup line...


Looks cool doesn’t it?


@nixCraft the answer was No

@nixCraft when your emoji arnt working you are being hacked🤣

@nixCraft Get rid of that black hoodie

I know it's a funky url and I haven't been there in years but hacker used to be a web page that look like a terminal and all you had to do was beat on the keyboard and it wrote what looked like code in a black and green screen. Legit look like hacking lol.


it's even better when you by IP address, and they can see how you memorized it 🙄

* extra for IPv6 addresses

@nixCraft when I want to feel cool I update my repo in public

@nixCraft HP Printer you say? it was broken right out of the box, they just didn't know it yet...