The Nancengka Social Place

We don't need another app to install.

When Grab PH bought motorcycle taxi app Move It, I thought I would become a 1st-time customer of that service. I use Grab, so it already has my info. I wouldn't need to sign up and type all my details. How convenient.

But Move It wasn't integrated into the Grab app. Instead, I would have to download a new app.

Bummer. One fewer customer for the company.

@jikodesu huh, strange. In Indonesia Grab already offer motorcycle taxi. It's not like they don't have any experience with it...



That's true, and its because the motorcycles are under the Grab brand, while in PHL, it's a different brand.

I only tried motorcycles taxis in Indonesia, because I was advised that's the best way to get around, though I think the Jakarta BRT is awesome if it happens to be close to your origin/destination

Also, because I don't want to register/install another app 😆, just like @jikodesu