The Nancengka Social Place

Using only #food, tell me where you’re from! 😎

Martabak kubang Nasi Padang dengan dendeng batokok Lemang dan tapai Sate padang

@gombang The lemang looks really interesting. Here we only have lemang with savory rendang, but yours look somewhat like a dessert?

@rakyat Usually sold in Ramadan, for berbuka puasa.

@rakyat now because ramadan is approaching I guess I'll have some of it next month... If I can get it. It's kind of hard to find in Bandung.

@gombang I don’t think I’ve even seen it over here… the variant with rendang will be everywhere tho.

@rakyat well this is West Sumatran thing I guess although you can find it at several places in Jakarta.

Curiously we don't eat lemang with rendang.