The Nancengka Social Place

Yeah Arab countries have been shameful.

“My message to the Arab world, particularly to the Gulf, is where are you? Because they’re making billions each day on oil revenues. A tiny fraction of those oil revenues would see UNRWA’s financial problems disappear overnight. This unconscionable gap inflicted by these Western countries would be filled very quickly,” Gunness told Al Jazeera.

“Some of the most desperate people in the Middle East are now facing starvation, they’re facing famine, and the Arab states need to step up to the plate.”

Which countries have cut funding to UNRWA, and why?


More precisely: Arab governments.



Also "normalisation accords" were always the governments/monarchs/dictators and not necessarily what the people wanted.

@gombang The fact that Lebanon and Syria haven't bothered naturalizing the Palestinian refugees at any time in the last 76 years is disgusting; even in Europe, third-gen immigrants are citizens these days. Israel is being used as an excuse to do some domestic repression (and to give credit where due, Electronic Intifada did cover Assad's massacres of Palestinians in Yarmouk, before it went full tankie).

@rzeta0 with the global turn to authoritarianism, democratisation in the Arab world is still a long way I guess.