The Nancengka Social Place

Gombang | @[email protected]

I am an Indonesian. A tech journalist and writer. Wikipedian. Sometimes posting in English.

He/him, but why don't you just use non-gendered language like Indonesian?

The toots are searchable.

To all the brave university students protesting the ongoing genocide in Gaza, I see you, I hear you, and I applaud your resolve. Also, please protect yourselves.

It is my duty now for the future to point out that the band DEVO formed in the early 1970s "in response to the failed promise of utopian progress peddled by post-WWII politicians and consumer culture" and amid the turmoil surrounding Vietnam war protests in the US.

The core members of DEVO were friends with two of the four students who were shot by gas-masked National Guardsman at the May 4, 1970, Vietnam war protest on the campus of Kent State University in Ohio. Three founding members of the band attended Kent State at that time.

Gerald Casale (co-founder, co-lead vocalist and bass player) said that was "the most DEVO day of his life." The theory that humankind is evolving in reverse. That was the first evidence that hit him square in the gut and the heart and the mind that this was true.

"In the next two years, I realized that the system was rotten to the core. That everything I believed was an illusion."

Black and white photo taken at DEVO's headquarters in Akron, Ohio. 4 band members wear rubber ape face masks, black t-shirts with DEVO in block letters, and black short shorts. In the foreground, one member wearing a metallic jumpsuit and a rubber "Booji Boy" mask sits in a baby crib. Text under photo: DEVO HQ, Portage Path, Akron, Fall 1977. Credit Bobbie Watson Whitaker.

This half hour report (with transcript) is a pretty good condensation of where things are in North Gaza with the discovery of mass graves - 3 sites with a total of about 700 bodies found at the time of the report.

The call for a no-fly zone is such a "no shit" moment but it's way past overdue.

Breaking IT news: just open-sourced MS-DOS 4.0. Versions 1.25 and 2.0 had already been open-source (MIT License) since 2018. If you’ve ever used DOS in the 1990s, you most likely were using v5.0 or v6.x. Those later versions likely won’t be released as open-source due to third-party restrictions.

@ncoca tell that to Indonesian govt 🙄

Stunning. 34% of the population in Chinese prisons are , who make up ~1-2% of the population.

China has a top-down strategy to, basically, criminalize an entire ethnic group and, with time, eliminate their unique cultural, religious, and social identity.

Partnering or working with the Chinese government means supporting these genocidal policies. That includes & groups, too.

34 students and faculty arrested for protesting on have all been banned from the campus for a year.

Capek wawancara klien, ingin tidur aja wkwkwk

Malaysian unis* right now be like phew good thing we don't actually commit ourselves to liberal values just neoliberal ones.

*Including the private international campus ones

“They’ll say we’re disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war.” Howard Zinn 1971

The fact that this presidential immunity question is being discussed in SCOTUS makes this nation look like the land of morons. Seriously.🙄

Police snipers made an appearance today atop the Indiana Memorial Union on Indiana University's campus.

Students on IU's campus have setup a Liberation Zone protest and demand their university divest from Israel inline with BDS. They also make specific mention of a local miltary partnership with Crane Naval Base which has a key roll in supplying large munitions to Israel.

📸 TW: @BenSharpie64

Despite its claim that the goal of the war in Gaza is the elimination of Hamas, Israel's actions reveal its true intention: the collapse of Palestinian society

@palestine @israel

USC cancels grad ceremony as campus protests against Israel's war in Gaza continue

Posted into News @news-thenewsdesk


I bring receipts

Even Though He Is Revered Today, MLK Was Widely Disliked by the American Public When He Was Killed

Seventy-five percent of Americans disapproved of the civil rights leader as he spoke out against the Vietnam War and economic disparity

Indigenous community fights to save its lands on Indonesia’s historic tin island

At issue is the growth in illegal mining and forest clearing by the plantation industry on land that the Lanun consider to have long been theirs.

Former Twilio CEO and co-founder Jeff Lawson buys The Onion from G/O Media, via his new company Global Tetrahedron; Lawson had long wanted to buy the site (Katie Robertson/New York Times)

@aulia baru menang. Biasalah jadi banyak yang merayakan 😛

Padahal ini salah satu yang mesti diboikot.
