The Nancengka Social Place

Sunday activity: trying to install Linux on an ancient iBook G4.

@gombang how's it going? And which flavor of Linux?

@rabia_elizabeth it hasn't really started. Just burned the DVD and charging the laptop. I plan to install Debian.

anticipated difficulties: installing drivers and configuring wireless connection, because I don't have any cables.

hmmm apparently newest debian already has non-free firmware included.

@gombang seru tauk. Ubek2 di installation drivenya buat ambil driver, install manual, abis itu configurasi sendiri. Paling yang pertama diinstall itu wireless, ethernet, baru nmtui/nmcli

not broadcom firmware though huh.

@prabasuyasa wireless masalah karena drivernya gak boleh didistribusikan bebas hahahah. harus disalin manual.

@gombang nah itu. Nyalin manualnya yang pr banget. Rhel kah?

@prabasuyasa Debian, karena masih support powerpc.


this will need some command-line wizardry, lol.

@gombang i would have given up before I started

@afif yeah this is hard. failed to install grub.

@gombang chatgpt to the rescue :)

@sapiderman masalah hardware lol. dvd drivenya tantrum sama dvd rw gw (tapi bisa baca dvd installer macos)

the dvd drive was finicky and failed to read the installer cd (but could read OS X installer). Will try again later.

@gombang dvd in 2024! Amazballs! Hahah good luck!

@sapiderman booting from USB on this old mac is even harder.