The Nancengka Social Place

Forget Mastodon, let's get back to Friendster


@gombang posted about this on Threads earlier today and it won’t let me post the link. Wonder if it’s a carryover from Facebook.

@gombang Will they support activitypub?

@rakyat @aulia @gombang this is like the ghost of social media paltforms past

LOL. Is this for real ah?

@liztai @rakyat @aulia @gombang I didn't have Friendster when I was a teenager... This might be fun. πŸ˜‚

@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] what's this sudden throwback to the past πŸ˜‚

Time to write testimonials for each other again?

@geraineon @liztai @rakyat @aulia @agasramirez

I have forgotten how to make testimonials 🀣

@geraineon @gombang @rakyat @aulia @agasramirez Everything old is new again!

@gombang @geraineon Y’all are exposing which era you’re from! I’m too young to know how to do testimonials! @liztai @aulia @agasramirez

@rakyat @gombang @geraineon @liztai @aulia Hahaha I was around 12 then and my internet time was so heavily regulated. There were no smartphones yet. I must have had just 30 minutes on the internet per day so I would just use it for homework. πŸ˜‚

@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]

Ah the days in the past when we Log On instead of taking internet vacations

@geraineon I believe were around the same age 🀣 But I was a latecomer to the internet. And my early formative internet experience was built on now defunct Taiwanese platforms. @gombang @liztai @aulia @agasramirez

@rakyat Why do I feel like I'm the oldest among you guys hahaha

PS: I probably am damn it

@geraineon @gombang @aulia @agasramirez

@agasramirez I only really started using the internet around 16 years old. And back then the only computer was a desktop in the living room… so I often sneak out of my bedroom
and log on when everyone was sleeping. @gombang @geraineon @liztai @aulia

@rakyat so anyway, I looked it up and the site has been up in this form for several months at least with little to no concrete information that I can find (translation: I googled, reddited, and duckduckgoed for an hour). My biggest concern is it’s being used to harvest email addresses since there’s nothing else on that site. @agasramirez @gombang @geraineon @liztai

@aulia Yikes that sounds like a very likely scenario. @agasramirez @gombang @geraineon @liztai

@gombang I want to go back to fidonet.

@[email protected] I was a very unregulated early internet user πŸ˜‚ both parents work. Nobody to watch me at home. Grandmother didn't care. ... Of course that means it always comes out on the phone bills, all the evidence of my sneak internet usage @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]

@aulia yea if it was legit there would be major news about it already.
@rakyat @agasramirez @gombang @geraineon

@geraineon I was a pioneer. The one who set up the Internet connection for the family πŸ˜‰

@gombang @rakyat @aulia @agasramirez

@liztai @rakyat @aulia @gombang there's friendica, which is facebookish but activity pub

@gombang I thought this was a joke! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£