The Nancengka Social Place

Indonesian politics

Okay the quick count numbers are in for presidential election. Seems we will get a war criminal and human right violator as the president. But this is not yet the whole story, because the numbers for the legislature (DPR/DPD) won't be known for some time. It is still likely main Prabowo supporting parties (Gerindra, etc) won't get outright majority. This is what happened with Jokowi in his first period.

Jokowi managed to consolidate his support in the parliament after initial difficulties, but Prabowo isn't exactly Jokowi. I am not really sure Prabowo can be as persuasive as the outgoing president.

#indonesia #idnpol

Indonesian politics

Of course, given his past, probably he won't bother trying to persuade people and just use persecution and repression instead.


Indonesian politics

Latest quick count data for legislative election gives Prabowo supporting parties about 55% of overall votes.